
Curriculum Maps:

Boonton Township School District is committed to providing effective instruction in all program areas, to developing the learning potential of all students in the district, to building skills for a lifetime of learning, and to developing a feeling of self-worth and confidence that will allow students to become productive members of society. To this end, our staff and administration works to plan, develop, and implement curricular programming that helps to meet the needs of our learners as well as align with the most recent New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS).

Curriculum is a set of documents that help guide teachers in their instructional decisions. In addition, curriculum maps are structured documents that delineate and direct the goals, objectives, learning experiences, instructional resources and assessments that comprise a specific educational program. 

We are proud of the extraordinary work that our teaching staff has done in creating documents that genuinely reflect the NJSLS. As such, we want to share that work with the public. These documents are a continual work in progress, and as state requirements or needs of the district change, revisions or updates to these curricular resources may be implemented or added.

Questions regarding curriculum and academic programming may be addressed by contacting the office of the Director of Curriculum and Instruction:  Danielle Morgenroth (973-334-4162, ext. 333

The New Jersey Student Leaning Standards provide a framework for achieving benchmarks in core subjects. These benchmarks form the basis of the statewide assessments that students undergo each spring.